This is a secondary source, after you have read the information at Confluence.

Three Steps!  1.  Group Policy  2. SVN (options and software packages)  3. Registering computer(s) and Setup

Most information is with help from Melvin Wong (much is copied directly from his emails).  Other people such as Scott Wang, Alan Rothenbush etc... helped but all mistakes are mine.

Group Policy

If two ou's have the same local user or policy with different settings, the one deeper in the tree takes precedence- e.g. a faculty policy overrides the departmental policy.

These policies are applied during the initial setup and during maintenance or reboot.  Manually run gpupdate by entering 'cmd' at Start menu, right click to run as admin.

In Group Policy Management Editor (access by right clicking Group Policy Management, edit)

Change Default Email Notifications etc
Computer Configuration/Preferences/Windows Settings/

Disable remote access for a specific 'local' user
Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment -> Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services

***(But should we not do this for all local users, because if we want to admin the computer remotely we should login with our SFU ID (which will have admin access).

Change to your subnet:

Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/Network/Primary DNS Suffix

 Disable Roaming Profiles  (Only if your dept does not use roaming profiles):
 Computer Configuration/Policies/Administrative Templates/System/User Profiles/Only Allow Local User Profiles.

If you enable the "Only allow local user profiles" setting, roaming profiles are disabled.

CHANGE NexGEN Unit Path (to find the options files etc):

Computer Configuration/Preferences/Windows Settings/
Environment Variable/Variable (NexGEN UNITPATH
Create/Edit/CHANGE PASSWORDS of Local Users:
Computer Configuration/Preferences/Control Panel Settings/Local Users and Groups

There is a default account called 'nexgenadmin' in the NexGEN Reference Preferences GPO, it is important to change the password on it.

Click on this image for giving local (built-in) and ADSFU accounts administrative access (I first created a group for built-in Admins THEN added the accounts)
local(built-in) administrative accounts remote access

Click on this image for giving local (built-in) administrative accounts remote access

local(built-in) administrative accounts remote access

Mapping Drives
User Configuration/Preferences/Windows Settings/Drive Maps
(right click, new mapped drive)

Click on this image...

mapped drive



Create a folder on any drive with at least 150MB of space.  The nice thing about TortoiseSVN is that it has shell integration so then right click on the folder and select "SVN Checkout...".  That is where you would enter "" as the URL for the repo.

system/<YourOU>/scripts/options.php file, specify "Trend5" as the trend server name. Also add your Trend container.

system/<YourOU>/wpkg/  hosts.xml & profiles.xml

Add to hosts.xml

    <!-- NexGEN Skeleton Unit Path - installs nexgen standard stuff and adds the skeleton profile too. -->
      <host adou="OU=Faculty Machines,OU=NexGEN,OU=BISC,DC=ad,DC=sfu,DC=ca">
        <profile id="nexgen_standard" />
        <profile id="nexgen_extras" />

   <!-- install jmp specific computer(s) -->
        <host name="jkchrist-office.+" profile-id="jmp" />

Add to profiles.xml

    <profile id="jmp" >
        <package package-id="jmp" />


Registering computer(s) and Setup

Here are some notes for using NexGEN after the initial setup has been done. You need to have access to Unified Registration and Men & Mice.

NexGEN on a Mac (using a shared virtual drive)

VirtualBox recommends creating a 25GB hard drive- this only allows about a GB of space or less after NexGen installs Office/Reader/ etc etc. So I suggest increasing it if you plan on installing additional tools (I installed Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT, follow this link for download, install & activating the GPO) to access the Group Policy Management Console). I suggest 40GB or more unless you do not plan on adding Microsoft Office and other software packages.

Settings/System (Motherboard tab): Boot Order: Check 'Network' (leave Network below 'Hard Disk')
Settings/Network: use a 'Bridged Adapter' (and copy the MAC address found in 'Advanced')

Now go to Unified Registration.
Enter the MAC address with standard format using colons- 08:01:37:AD:56:61).
Enter the Hostname (I suggest a standard suffix, such as -nexgen and -vm e.g., b8230-nxg-vm).  DO NOT use a hostname longer than 15 characters!
Change the "Zone DDNS/ Boot Server" from 'Default' to "NexGen WDS".

Browse to your Active Directory OU (note you can click on grey triangles to open the sub- ou's.). If you want to test it you may use my basic setup under BISC/NexGEN/Staff Machines (Roaming profiles are turned off, you will be able to log on with your SFU ID.)

When you boot the machine choose the first, default, choice (Windows Deployment Services) (if there are many choices and 'Reboot' is the first you have not waited long enough for the DNS- it takes a couple of minutes).  Then you go to a DOS like screen to choose the operating system (default for Win7 64bit), and then a Microsoft screen to choose the image. 

It takes about 8 reboots and a couple of hours or less (on my congested and sometimes slow network here).

If a person cannot log on to the NexGEN computer they may need to synch their AD password:

Running Maintenance/ Updating Policies on a computer (From Melvin)

- If it's a single computer you are on and you want to start maintenance right away, you can enter the following command.

c:\nexgen\tools\sysinternals\psexec.exe -accepteula -hsi c:\nexgen\launcher\ngs.cmd forcecopy "operation=domaintenance"

Or of you only want to run WPKG, it may not necessarily need a reboot.

c:\nexgen\tools\sysinternals\psexec.exe -accepteula -hsi c:\nexgen\launcher\ngs.cmd forcecopy "operation=wpkg"

This will cause your system to reboot and run maintenance (Windows Updates, critical updates, WPKG's).

- It can be forced in your options.php by setting,

function unitPathForcedMaintenanceMode() { return true; }

This will cause the all systems in that unit path to run maintenance every time the system is restarted.

- You can also run c:\nexgen\launcher\maintenance.cmd

RSAT, follow this link for download, install & activating the GPO*
To access GPO after installing RSAT-
Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Programs.
In the Programs and Features area, click Turn Windows features on or off.
If you are prompted by User Account Control to allow the Windows Features dialog box to open, click Continue.
In the Turn Windows features on or off dialog box, expand Remote Server Administration Tools, and then expand Feature Administration Tools.
To install the GPMC, select the Feature Administration Tools check box, and then select the Group Policy Management Tools check box.
Also install -> AD DS and AD LDS Tool