One day, you may find yourself in the South Pacific. You will be doing field work when suddenly, you will be overcome by the desire to identify Indonesian and Maori cognates. You will have brought your sunscreen, and this:

#!usr/local/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my @words1 = ();
my @words2 = ();

open(W1, "<Lang1");          #feed in Indonesian data
    while(my $line = <W1>) {
    chomp $line;
     $line =~ s/[ ]+//g;
         if($line) {
          push(@words1, $line);
close W1;

open(W1, "<Lang2"); #feed in Maori data
    while(my $line = <W1>) {
    chomp $line;
      $line =~ s/[ ]+//g;
          if($line) {
             push(@words2, $line);
 close W1;

foreach my $word1 (@words1) {
    foreach my $word2 (@words2) {
        #run compare words subroutine on a word from each list
       my $result = compare_words($word1, $word2);
           if($result == 1) {
            print "$word1 vs $word2";
            print "\t Match\n";
   #else {
   # print "\tNo match\n";
   #} #commented out to leave off non-matching sets for clarity

sub compare_words {
    my($word1, $word2) = @_;
    my $max = 0;   #max for calculating LCS
    my %strings1 = ();
    my %strings2 = ();
          # define threshold so i can print those that meet or exceed later
    my $thresh = 0.7;

    if(length($word1) >= length($word2)) {
           $max = length($word1);
      }    #determine which word has greatest length
      else {
           $max = length($word2);

#print "Max: $max\n";

    for (my $i = 0; $i < length($word1); ++$i) {
       for (my $j = 1; $j <= length($word1); ++$j) {
        $strings1{substr($word1, $i, $j)} = 1;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < length($word2); ++$i) {
       for (my $j = 1; $j <= length($word2); ++$j) {
            my $sub = substr($word2, $i, $j);
            $strings2{$sub} = 1;
        }          #determine which word has greatest length
  else {
   $max = length($word2);

#print "Max: $max\n";

    for (my $i = 0; $i < length($word1); ++$i) {
       for (my $j = 1; $j <= length($word1); ++$j) {
        $strings1{substr($word1, $i, $j)} = 1;

    for (my $i = 0; $i < length($word2); ++$i) {
       for (my $j = 1; $j <= length($word2); ++$j) {
        my $sub = substr($word2, $i, $j);
        $strings2{$sub} = 1;
#add next two lines for each substitution rule
            $sub =~ s/p/b/g;
            $strings2{$sub} = 1;
            $sub =~ s/r/l/g;
            $strings2{$sub} = 1;
            $sub =~ s/t/d/g;
            $strings2{$sub} = 1;

#calc longest common sequence a la Melamed 1999
      my $max_lcs = 0;
      foreach my $s1 (keys %strings1) {
           if($strings2{$s1}) {
            my $lcs = length($s1);
                if($lcs > $max_lcs) {
             $max_lcs = $lcs;
#print "\tMatch ".$s1." L: ".length($s1)."\n";
#print "\nResult: $max_lcs\n";

    if( ($max_lcs/$max) >= $thresh) {  #take max LCS divide by no. of  longest word
   return 1;
  else {
   return 0;

#It  wouldn't be much trouble to adapt this for other pairs of related languages,
#or if you're slightly adept at modifying someone else's script, you could identify
#cognates from dozens of languages from any family. Scroll down to the part about
#substitutions, tweak accordingly and then modify the "longest common sequence"
#chunk to suit your needs. Many thanks to Dr. McFetridge and Damir for their help.