Film images from days past.

I had hoped to return to film but the performance of the Nikon D50
has convinced me that film, while it has some nice qualities, has finally
become obsolete, even so, I may shoot off my remaining stocks of E200.

Hypered Techpan images:

Click on the images for high res-versions

These were shot with a 10" F10 Meade SCT OTA on a modified Meade DS-10 mount and were manually guided. All photos were taken at Pine Mountain in Oregon in 1995 and 1996.

M22. 20 minutes @ f5.3

M22. 20 minutes at F5.3

M51. 75 minutes @ f5.3

M51. 75 minutes at F5.3

M101. 150 minutes @ F5.3

M101. 150 minutes at F5.3

NGC2903. 90 minutes (?) @ F5.3

NGC2903 at 90 minutes

Some colour piggy back shots from down under.