CEE Poll Tool

CEE Polls is an SFU-developed polling tool, that can be used to facilitate low-barrier student engagement with asynchronous course materials.   Using polls is a great way to facilitate deeper interaction with your course content and between students.

Using CEE Polls

  • Participation in CEE Polls can be automatically tracked by the Canvas Gradebook through an integration with Canvas Assignments using the ‘External Submission’ option.
  • For polls that are connected to course content or discussions that are not graded, CEE Polls can be embedded on any Canvas page or discussion forum using the plug-in option (click the plug icon button when editing in Canvas to access this feature).
  • Though intended for use in asynchronous online or blended courses, CEE Polls can also be used in synchronous class sessions.  Just display the CEE Poll and then ask students to access Canvas and submit their votes in real time.

How Do I Add Polls?

To have the CEE Polls tool added to your Canvas course, please send a request to  Step-by-step instructions for creating and using CEE Polls are included in the videos below:


Book a consultation or request a custom workshop for yourself or your department via our webform.